Good Christian Education is foundational to us. Paul’s advice to Timothy is vital, if one has to successfully finish well in
ministry and in life. II Tim. 3:15-17; 4:12-16. A man’s greatest resource is not his library but himself. We need a proper balance in every sphere of life, therefore a good education is necessary
to last in ministry.
Education and Study for each individual through
Sunday morning school of wisdom
Thursday evening Cell Groupings
Saturday Standard Ministry Training
Bible School, affiliated with Tabernacle bible College & Seminary, Tampa, Florida
Standard Bible Club
Recreational activities (indoor and outdoor)
Musical Concerts- L.G.M.I organising musical concerts as part of our evangelistic programmes with W.C.I
Cultural Exchange programmes (Beyond The Cultures)
Tours- Ministry Tours are organized to Rome, Venice, Florence and other historic places
of Italy.
Contact for inquiries.